this is the closest of calls
So. Today in class, S. and I were watching Queer as Folk and Oz vids on YouTube. Both are very graphic shows (come on, it's Showtime and HBO, what did you expect), and we were, you know, fangirling over Brian/Justin and Chris/Toby maybe just a bit loudly, and then suddenly our teacher was right behind us, and we didn't close down the tab in time, and the vid had just stopped on a (very graphic) sex scene between Brian and Justin. The look on her face, oh man, I was so fucking close to bursting out laughing (though it's a wonder we weren't banned from using the computers).
Seriously, though. I need a t-shirt that says "Fangirl: has been known to squee without warning - approach with caution" and maybe one that says "Yes, I'm one of those crazy fans they warned you about". I did actually find out that says "What would Brian Kinney do?" and I need it so bad. Like, really. No idea if they ship overseas, though.