all hope abandon, ye who enter in

me: rival shipping is a tale as old as time
marine: Oh, like Satan/Gabriel?
me: personally i prefer lucifer/michael, but whatever floats your boat
marine: But they totally hated each other in canon! It makes no sense! Plus all the fic sucks, it's so OOC. I don't know what Bible these people are reading. Gabriel stands before God. If that's not slashy, I don't know what is. God/Gabriel ftw.
chris: But...but everyone knows it's God/Jesus/Holy Spirit OT3! D:
me: preach it, sister

This, people, is why I love fandom. ♥

i will rise up

I talked with Imogen earlier. Hadn't spoken to her in like...I don't even know, but a long time. It was great. I've missed her a lot, and I hope we can strike up some of that old spark that had us talking to each other every day for two years.

Chatting with her made me realize how much I miss Jenny and Seb. We used to have such awesome, hilarious conversations. Of course, Seb and I usually ended up either trying to out-perve each other, or discussing the nihilism that plagues our lives.

In NK earlier today, S., J. and I were writing in each other's notebooks when we should've been researching minerals and stones and shit, and our teacher came up behind us and read aloud what I'd written in J.'s book: "Eric & Godric, Nathan & Peter" etc etc, and then he said, "Det är ju bara pojkar som gillar pojkar" only he didn't say it in a demeaning, or homophobic, or disgusted, or anything way...more like, surprised that we were into that kinda thing? I don't even know. Anyway, he asked if they were our favorites (and I'm suddenly struck with the image of him browsing the web for some good slash to read, omg), and J said that they were my favorites, and I smirked and when he went away I actually headdesked, because omfg that did not just happen. "I think she died," S. said to J., who of course agreed, and I was shaking with badly suppressed laughter. Fuck.

God, I don't even know. These things are just not suppose to happen. Shit.

And some pics, because Eric and Godric are the most beautiful thing to ever grace HBO.

all is full of love

I fucking finally caught up with season 2 of True Blood. I'd been putting it off because there's been so much drama with Supernatural and Heroes and White Collar and did I mention rewatching Queer as Folk and Oz for the hundreth time (11 fucking seasons, people)? Anyway.

Um, so, Eric/Godric kind of broke me. I don't even know what to say just NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO why did Godric have to die. *sobs* That was one of the worst deaths in the history of ever. It destroyed me to see Eric crying and so heartbroken. God I love their relationship and how much Eric loooooves Godric. I love him calling Godric so much more than he is and doing anything for him (including letting him go). I loved the black/white clothing choices and the way Godric showed up so beautifully in white at the top of the church. And I loved how when Eric said he cared about others, Bill said he cared about Godric. Only him, omg.

My biggest problem with this show is they have some amazing characters but they waste them by giving time to stupid and boring plotlines. I mean you present the epic Godric/Eric relationship and then give them barely any screentime? Really, Show? Really? When you have that deep of a relationship and you want to destroy the viewer with a death scene, give them lots of time so the viewer forms a deep connection with the relationship so they fully are broken when you kill one of them off (not that I wasn't fully broken or anything, I'm just saying). I still think Godric's death is a bit...pointless (he could do so much good in the world!) but I do understand it on one level, so okay. I will give them one for not killing Lafayette off but still more of him and moremoremore of Pam and Eric!

(Still, though, I don't buy Godric wanting to die because he wanted to make amends for the harm he'd caused: the whole thing just smacked of escapism. He had wanted to die before that, and he seemed so tired of conflict, externally as between humans and vampires, internally as a struggle against the nature of vampirism. "We don't belong here," Godric says, and Eric responds with, "But we are here." Have I mention that I love this show to pieces?)

Back to the love, I did enjoy Hoyt/Jessica a lot. I love Jessica, she cracks me up and makes Bill/Sookie much more tolerable. And Hoyt is soooo cute. I love his mindset on vampires and just his kindness in general. Also enjoyed the few Pam scenes we did get especially the pumps scene. Really sad about how they treated Lafayette and felt sooo bad for him at his trauma from it. But it did give us some hot Eric/Lafayette scenes (and the funny dance one, heh) so I'll go with it. And I loooooved the Queen omg she is the best. Classic fangirl encouraging the guys to fuck and loving two guys together. I love slasher representation (well, mostly: looking at you, Supernatural!).

Okay back to things I didn't like. It is really starting to bug me that in a show with Vampire Marriages = Gay Marriage, Vampire Hating Church = Gay Hating Church(s), etc that we get tons of het sex scenes and no gay scenes. Everything happens off camera. Even in the orgy scenes there is no gayness (believe me, I checked). It pisses me off. This is HBO, ffs! There was just too much of boring het ships in general (for instance, Sam/Daphne). The Maryanne (Cain!) plot had potential at first but she lost her intrigue fast and became boring evil and swept Tara into a boring plotline of doom and wasted so much time that could have been spent on Godric and Eric and Pam.

In things I do love, Jason was hilarious this season. Oh god so much love. The best was when he split the flag in half and tried to stake whatshername. It did get a bit boring after a while but thank god for the lulz. Also Eric/Sookie is just ewwwww so so so icky and I really hope they don't go in that direction (please, PTB, I'm begging you: don't do it, please oh pleasepleaseplease). Why is everyone in love with her? I don't get it. (Did I mention that she annoys the shit out of me?) And Bill trying to protect her makes me want to vomit (what is this, Twilight?). I really hate the sappy dialogue on this show and will never understand how Alan Ball of Six Feet Under could allow this on a show of his (or Raelle Tucker, for that matter!).

Also, I have finally figured out that part of the reason I love Eric so much is that he reminds me of Brian Kinney. Not just the clothes but he has the same kind of looks where you can see the vulnerability underneath them as well as a similar sexy aura.

In other news, the new White Collar episode was amazing. Neal and Peter's bromance is fucking epic, y'all. Oh, and I started a new QAF vid! It'll probably take me months to finish but I have it pretty much all planned out. I'm also thinking of doing a Eric/Godric one (did I mention that Godric's death broke me into tiny pieces?). Kind of like...Godric's suicide note? I have a song picked out (definitely going with letting the feel of the music instead of the lyrics rule to get the maximum emotional impact) and everything and I know where I'm going to borrow the external sources from, I just need to get started.

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