i will rise up
Chatting with her made me realize how much I miss Jenny and Seb. We used to have such awesome, hilarious conversations. Of course, Seb and I usually ended up either trying to out-perve each other, or discussing the nihilism that plagues our lives.
In NK earlier today, S., J. and I were writing in each other's notebooks when we should've been researching minerals and stones and shit, and our teacher came up behind us and read aloud what I'd written in J.'s book: "Eric & Godric, Nathan & Peter" etc etc, and then he said, "Det är ju bara pojkar som gillar pojkar" only he didn't say it in a demeaning, or homophobic, or disgusted, or anything way...more like, surprised that we were into that kinda thing? I don't even know. Anyway, he asked if they were our favorites (and I'm suddenly struck with the image of him browsing the web for some good slash to read, omg), and J said that they were my favorites, and I smirked and when he went away I actually headdesked, because omfg that did not just happen. "I think she died," S. said to J., who of course agreed, and I was shaking with badly suppressed laughter. Fuck.
God, I don't even know. These things are just not suppose to happen. Shit.
And some pics, because Eric and Godric are the most beautiful thing to ever grace HBO.

this is a fire door never leave open
First off: I'm not even going to touch the "gay in a bad way". Second: oooh my god enough of the "bisexuals have straight privileges" already! I get that enough from actual LGBTQ people. FYI, I hate passing. I hate it. I hate passing and I hate coming out, because I hate continuing to pass after I just came out. Jesus Christ on a fucking pogo stick! I can't come out of the closet, someone's wedged a chair under the goddamn handle.
Me: I'm bisexual, and -
Other person: No, you're not. / You're just confused. / You mean gay. (And having said that, I am still going to talk to you as if you're straight.) / You're only saying that because you're always looking for ways to make your life harder. / No, you're not, that's physically impossible for humans. / Have you prayed about this? / So you're an amoral hedonist. / You just haven't made up your mind. / It doesn't matter because it's not about ME.
Me: Uh, actually -
Second person: Why are we wasting time? We should talk about - blahblahblah straight privilege let me show you how you have it.
Me: *thinking* When the zombie revolution comes, they'll pass you over on account of how you have no brains.
Passing? Privilege? Aahahahahaha oh my god I could cry.
old shoes (& picture postcards)
I'm making graphics and shit for S.'s birthday, and it's turning out good, tbh. Avoiding school assignments at the moment, like usual, and waiting for the new Supernatural ep to finish downloading (I swear I am so fucking close to giving up on that show, which sucks because I've watched it for such a long time).

feel my bisexual fury
I'm going to say this as simply as I can, Dad: stop with your fucking homophobic bullshit. I'm serious. I can't take it anymore. Do I have to write bisexual in big bold letters on my forehead for you to get the fucking point? Sometimes, I feel bad that I haven't outright told him; Mom has known for years and so has my friends, so why is it so hard to just fucking come out to him? I thought maybe you'd mellow with age, but no such luck.
In short: one more homophobic remark out of your mouth and I won't be responsible for my actions.
(In happier news, I watched Shelter last night, and omg it was just what I needed. Zach and Shaun were adorable, though I hated Zach's sister. Burnt Money is up next, and I know that I am going to fucking love it. Gah.)
this is the price you pay for loss of control
But I'll survive. I hope.
you're a tragedy starting to happen
we are far less than we knew
i want to watch my heartbeat spiral
slowly down the drain,
to be lost forever in the stillness
of rusted pipes and soap-scum dreams.
and this time, my skin will scream.
shards of a silver horizon, please,
unravel me at the seams.
watered down
And so...about the two first Supernatural episodes...let's just say that they made me go aswnoirvshoidgneirgoerjg and be done with it, oder? I have a feeling this is going to be the best season yet (and no, being spoiled for the ep after the next does not make me say that, though I am longing for it something fierce). Also, despite having preached that the brothers desperately need time apart, the instinctive fangirl in me went nooooo when they split up in the last ep. It was something gut deep, not rational at all, but I'm not denying that it happened.
J. and S. and I are going to have a horror movie marathon next weekend. We're gonna watch all the Saw movies in a row. XD (Jigsaw is my fucking hero.) Also, S. and I might be taking a trip to Berlin soon. If I can get the money out of my dad, I'll jump on the first plane (or boat, or train..). ^_^
maybe life didn't want this part of me.
use your illusion
Also, I have two SPN episodes to watch, countless of meta and fic to read, and...you know, I love Joss, Crichton, Wells and Starring like no one else, but Kripke is just a god. HE MADE IT CANON. *flails* Castiel: And I did it all for you. I can't even...SO MUCH LOVE. I mean, it was pretty much established in 4.22, but to have it spelled out for us like this...Kripke, I think I'm gonna start a cult dedicated to you. <3
School is still going well. Teachers are great, S., S. and J. are great, classes are great...it's all just great. :D
i'll be the end that you deserve
the dark side of the moon
you were always one to stay the same, girl, i know you want to be the rain
beauty and the breakdown
through hungover eyes the room is tilting,
having lost ourselves in the space between
the parting of lips and friends; so long, farewell
good riddance.
(wouldn't you like to know) i cut myself on a knife,
turning me obsessive-compulsive with each passing moment.
we stand and inhale monoxide by the road while overhead
skies stretch towards infinity. lean over so I can small the acetone
on your wineglass fingers; it's not so much betrayal
as never really having had it to begin with.
let me tell you a secret, just between you and me:
the party's over. there, a flash of passion red,
the sound of shadows departing. autumn is pretty enough,
but dead leaves are just that,
(dead) -
the summer has ended, and we are not saved.
(in the bathroom i found bloodstains and an epiphany,
cupped hands numb -
i'm running on empty and writing my own demise -
with the absence of hope.)
undeground messiah
sweet soft spoken singer boy,
you polish your nails and keep
the feminine appeal on.
you were just as deceitful then
as you're a liar now,
and i wonder about the
other self you keep along side
your shelf of used pre-packaged condoms.
boy meets girl,
boy pretends to be with boy.
a gender garage sale that was
created with the bisexuality in
you and i.
they all loved Marilyn's sex appeal,
and Jessica Savitch was always willing
to put up a fight,
but she lost the battle to the golden locks
and her cocaine trail.
i know what you're thinking,
so don't even.
humanity finds God on the magazine aisle,
CD rack, our own American Idol.
you were always willing to sell it out,
spread your legs,
and pretend to be the new Messiah with
eloquent words written in praise of you.
all girls love to be whores in the bedroom,
Martha Stewart white linen table cloth
that was bought just for you.
we know men demand their virgins to remain tight.
but i'm still,
i'm still coming now.
down the leg and to the bedpost,
with my ankle all tied.
the psychological frame work of your mentality.
and the world falls into silence when a
groupie bitch decides to speak her mind.
it was almost as intense as my date with Charlie,
but never as extreme,
never as passionate as your lyrical daily bread.
you as a Messiah never bled when you were
symbolically crucified on a St. Andrews cross
and asking God why the pleasure has to end.
maybe you feel too much,
maybe you feel nothing at all,
or maybe you're as spiritually elite as
Jesus, because you demand that your
followers are like Bartholomew
being skinned.
but you'll fail every time when your soul
is only captured in the remembrance of a limelight,
and the humanity you claimed would never die.
I swear I wasn't thinking about B.K. when I wrote the first part. Really.
mourning vs melancholia
In a 1917 essay titled Mourning and Melancholia, Sigmund Freud, father of psychoanalysis, began a career-long meditation on the manner in which the human psyche deals with loss. "Mourning," he wrote, "is regularly the reaction to the loss of a loved person.... We rest assured that after a lapse of time it will be overcome, and we look upon any interference with it as inadvisable or even harmful." This is grief at the "normal" register. By contrast, "melancholia", though sharing many of the surface characteristics of "mourning", is identified by Freud as a pathological illness, marked by an inability to recover from the loss, to "overcome" it, and to return to daily activities. Thus, "the complex of melancholia behaves like an open wound," a wound that refuses to heal, a loss that cannot be salved.
I wonder what I lost.
the moments that make up a dull day

Melancholy is the pleasure of being sad.
might mean. i don't deny dishonesty.
i. i drip my identity like oil between
your fingers and these crucifix eyes. i am a goddess. i am
irreverent. i am the product of society,
craving cheap motels and satin sheets. each month
i bleed away another faceless child.
ii. a hundred years from now
here she'll bring flowers to the funeral. she'll say
what a pity - such a shame -
and never tell them she kissed me during
my apocalypse. she won't tell them how
it felt on a warm november night.
(what a pity... such a shame.)
ask me who i am and i'll always answer 'anyone
else'. i aspire to anonymity.
iii. sometimes it feels like i'm too late, like
the whole world has passed me by. but even if it has
i'm still sitting here with my syllables and word counts.
i spend my time thinking about
all the girls i'll never be. i wonder what they're doing.
iv. if i were them i'd look at the world
through the electric eyes. live like new york city,
neon lights & showgirl shine. i'd wake up to the sunrise
and yoga and vanilla cappuccino: i'd eat candied apples
and wear my hair down. at night i would run the streets:
breathe in copper-teardrops breathe out indigo-anger.
there's a temptress in me, a tramp with teasing eyes;
she's got a crease in her smile like crumpled tinfoil.
v. & i'll remember that when she slapped me i
hissed cat-sharp, snarled until we smiled again.
when no one else believes me
i'll know the truth, that it was my fault
as much as hers, that i'll never be able to blame
her for her anger. i'll remember
that if we parted, it was smiling. it was because
vi. i wanted more than suburbia, than life on the sidelines.
i wanted to move in a sway of stilettos, to entertain
a room full of smoke and shadows. i wanted somebody to loveloveLOVE me;
i wanted crazybeautiful babies. i read them stephen king
& shakespeare. i gave them names
but they decide who they are.
here i am, sinning six ways to sunday and singing
in the shower. somehow i'll shed this scarecrow skin.
Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever get out of here, and what will happen if I don't.
Melancholic Nostalgia
You lean your back against the cement wall underneath a wide-open window, your head thrown back as though frozen in the picturesque motion of rising, water breaking across your forehead. I can't see, but I can feel the intensity of your half-lidded eyes upon me. One mile-long leg stretches out and the only sound is of your slow, unsteady breathing mingled with the occasional sucking-in of smoke. Smoke, smoke; it rises, engulfing us both in a silvery cocoon. You lazily part your lips and pretty words exhale with the blue-grey fumes in a familiar raspy tone.
"I don't think you understand," you drawl, flicking cigarette ash onto the cracked floor. "I'm not lonely when I'm alone."
This could be perfect, I think, so sensual-like we were lovers already. I could spend my whole life doing this. I could live, forever, with the careful moonlight streaming in above your head, entering into alien marriage with the miasma of stale cigarette smoke, and this quiet adoration.
And all I can whisper back is, "God, you're beautiful."
I have no idea what that is. Wrote it in English class, bored out of my mind, staring out the window. The weather's been dreary today, feeling more like fall than winter. And it's raining.
(Do you remember how much it rained that day, walking home from school? The pink umbrella you'd brought with you didn't help at all, and even though we looked like drenched cats we were laughing and singing English Summer Rain and even took the long way home. Do you remember how you made us hot chocolate and even let me put on a Metallica music DVD, since your mom and brother weren't home yet? I remember. Too well.)
I miss England.
This is how the World Ends
This is how I envision the world ending:
I don't see an exploding sky of blue and yellow and red and green. I don't see tectonic plates snapping into pieces and surging from the confines of the earth, and into the sky in a slow-motion frenzy of flying rock, flocks of people despersing in every direction, crushed cars, tumbling buildings, and fractures of glass littering the roads, reflecting the glaring eruption of the sky. The people's hysteric screams of terror and panic won't be there to be drowned out by the sun's apocalyptic bang and the moon's desolate wail and the little girl on the corner of the intersection, clutching onto her teddybear, won't be whisked away by chunks of civilization tearing the wind apart.
No, I don't envision the world ending in a cataclysmic, paraoxysm of loud booms and bangs.
When the world ends (and it will, everything has an end, even the sun will eventually burn out), I see the sky dimming, illuminating the earth with a feeble tremble of sun and warmth, like a candle struggling to keep its flame. I see the lone car crawling along the desolate strip of road, and the absence of the bustling streets and bright city lights. All the stars diminish one by one, in sudden pops, some flickering in a desperate attempt to thwart the final judgements. Inside houses families clitch despairingly onto life, and the little girl huddles in her corner, shivering. Her teddybear falls limply to the ground beside her; she lets out a small, oblivious whimper. And that is the last sound that no one will hear.
That is how the world will end. Not with a bang, but a whimper.
This is how the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper
T.S. Eliot, The Hollow Men
But I digress. Jag är inte jag. Melancholy och nostalgia. Sommar och vinter. Det får räcka med det.